AudioCipher V4: MIDI Vault.
50% Off.
One of a kind plugin.
Words into MIDI generator.
An audio + MIDI file management plugin for musicians
Original Price ($59.99)
Deal Price $29.99 TODAY
$30 In Total Savings
Turn Inspiration into Finished Songs

Here’s what’s new:
● The MIDI Vault
○ Bundle your audio samples and midi blueprints in what we call “cards”
○ Tag your cards with metadata like BPM, Key, Mood, Genre, Instrument Type, and
○ Find the card(s) you’re looking for instantly with advanced filters and sorting
○ Rate your cards by their quality or stage of development, then sort them
● Upload and Export card collections
○ Create your own audio + midi sample packs. Share them peer-to-peer or sell
them online.
○ Load your existing sample collections into the vault, with options for bulk card
○ Download other people’s collections and load them in your vault like a game
● New Text-to-MIDI Generator features
○ Turn any word or phrase into MIDI melodies and chord progressions
○ Tune your output to the musical scale of your choice
○ New Join Notes feature combines repeating notes for smoother compositions
○ New Inversions feature creates smooth voice leading by moving notes up or
down an octave to get them closer to the note that came before it.
○ New BPM parameter for MIDI generation (control the tempo of MIDI output)
○ New triplet notes checkbox will include or omit triplets from the rhythm control
● NEW Save Button migrates your text-to-MIDI generation over to a card in the MIDI Vault
AudioCipher V4 MIDI Vault includes installers for both Mac and PC. Mobile and tablet devices
not currently supported.
Zip file size: 245MB
MAC applications:
● Standalone installs by default to Applications folder
● VST3 and AU install to ~/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/ subfolders
● The Audio-MIDI vault folder is at ~/documents/AudioCipher
WINDOWS 10 Installer:
● Standalone app installs by default to C:\Program Files\AudioCipherTechnologies\
● VST3 installs automatically to your plugin directory
● The Audio-MIDI vault folder is at C:/Users/[your user name]/Documents/AudioCipher
● README: Getting Started Guide with installation tips
● 20-Card AudioCipher collection demo to help get you started